Sunday, May 20, 2007

The journey begins (severe run on sentence warning)

I have been thinking about this for a while now, and the time for thinking ends and doing begins I am not sure how this will work or how long it will go for, but maybe just maybe I airing my thoughts and decisions to the world, right, as they relate to my eating and exercise habits may force my accountability and I may finally do something about it. The bottom line is I am sick of being a large person. I want to go the clothing store, the regular store and be able to find something that fits. I want to run and not get tired. I want to be actively engaged in life.

This is one area in all our lives that we actually have complete control over. Granted we all have different struggles and health issues, but the things we put into our mouths and what we do with our spare time is our choice. I choose to sleep, I choose to sit on the couch and do nothing, I choose to eat a whole pint of Ben and Jerry's Willie Nelson Peach Cobbler ice cream. I am the one who orders fatty foods.

There are people all around me who are actually concious of what they eat and what they do. My wife for example gets up at freaking crack of dawn to run and exercise because that is when its best for her. My friend Kyle has been concioulsy eating a limited number of calories and walking daily. We have a friend who moved back to England, but she would have treats every night, but they would be in mouse sized portions. She got her fix, but used extreme moderation. Yet I continue to not exersise and pack my face full of food that is not healthy.

This year, Benson has been playing baseball and getting ready to play football in the fall. I want to work out with him over the summer A) For overall health and B) so he wont pass me up. I eventually want to go running with Chrissta and Jill when they want me that is, with the overall goal of running a marathon before I am 40. That will be my mid-life crisis fix. Mentioned some of this to Chrissta and she asked me what my plan was to do this. Well its three fold.
First, I think I will begin my diet by limiting my bad carbohydrates and limiting my calories to like 1500 a day.
Second, I am going to exercise. That is the key.
Third, I will keep a diet and exersise journal on this site.
Fourth, I am going to alow myslef a cheat meal. I am not sure if this will be a weekly or a preformance based award, like after 10 lost lbs. to begin I am not going to modify anything and I will keep track of all these things to monitor where I am starting at to where I end up. Hopefully this will be an interesting journey.


Chrisstamom said...

Is there any wonder why I love this man so deeply? You are a stud dude!

Spiralmoon Studio said...


Wow! What bravery to post all that. I am proud of you! They always say the first step is admitting you have a problem... LOL! May I suggest that you check with a nutritionist about the number of calories you should actually eat - because you are a "large person" you actually may NEED to eat more than 1500 calories in the beginning. Also, I have found that by grazing - eating 6 small meals (small being the operative word) throughout the day, I have more energy and the weight comes off easier.

Good luck Josh - I know you will be successful!

Hugs, JayLene

Josh said...

Thanks for the encouragement, and wisdom. There is nothing like pulling arbitrary number out of well nowhere...

Margo Clift said...

I just stumbled upon this blog spot by accident.
Good luck son! This is tough duty.
It is such a struggle to take weight off and so stinkin easy to put it on.
Sounds like you know what you are doing and that you have a good plan.
Keeping a food diary is pretty bold. But if it is effective all the better. There is a lot of information out there on the ill effects of carbonated drinks, you might search some of that out. You may be shooting yourself in the foot. So to speak.
We'll see you soon. And we'll try not to sabatoge your plan.
Love Mom

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