Things have been going pretty well. I have been working out less regularly than I should but more than I was. I am working with my buddy Kyle who has totally rocked it and can call me on stuff others cant. Good to have. But I need to do more and add diet to this routine. So much for my physical health. My mental/emotional health has not been very good. I feel stuck - not progressing professionally or intellectually. This is not a good thing for me. I can not be pushed for a bit but if I am not learning and growing then I get board and jaded. I have recently realized that it is up to me to make sure I am growing and learning. To that end I have started to teach myself some programing languages. I am looking into C## and Java. I need to choose 1 to focus on so any input would be great. (I think I am leaning towards C## but can be persuaded other wise.)
Something else I have been thinking about is going back to school. Not sure what for exactly or if it would be worth the $$ just something I am thinking about it. I actually was thinking I should go back and continue a medical career, but then I woke up....
I had something reiterated to me this weekend and I actually feel funny admitting this due to the title of my blog. The point that I was reminded of is that I choose. I choose my mood. I choose to be angry. I choose to be jaded. It is ultimately up to me. From today on I choose...
Here is something I choose. To be really really really mad at Capital One Auto Finance. The Wife and I bought a new car a bout a month ago. We told the dealer we wanted our payment due after the 15th of the month. They said no problem - we signed the papers, and drove our new Ford Flex home.
A couple of days later we were looking over the contract and noticed that the due date was on the 2nd of the month. That was going to be an issue. So I called the dealer. They said that we would need to call the bank as they had already submitted the paper work. No problem right? I called the bank they said I needed to wait until I got my account, number. So I did. I called them back to move the payment. It was going to cost $35.00 - bummer but OK. Did the whole Check thing over the phone. This was the 24th of Feb. Thought we were done, but the check did not clear the bank. Chrissta called them on the 2nd of March, the due date. It did not go through for some reason or other. So we did it again, this time the money came right out, and they told her the new payment was due on the 17th - sweet, job done.
Tonight I get a call from Capital One Auto Finance telling me my payment is late. HUH????? a fight ensues where the bozo on the other end is telling me that I am late and there is nothing they can do, I tried to escalate and got a senor bozo that would not budge either and would not let me talk to anyone else. I tried logic - he had none. My argument points were:
- Why did the Customer Service Rep not tell Chrissta to make a payment on the 2nd when she moved the payment due date? - His reply was that it was not late yet, and they could not ask for a payment. HUH????????
- Why was I charged $35.00 to move the payment? His reply was that the new due date was going to take effect in April.
- Why could not the CSR speak English? - No Comment.
- Why would a representative of their company tell me one thing and while they are telling me another? No answer again.
He also told me that I signed a contract to make the payment and that they offered me as a courtesy I could move my payment due date. I let him know that I was there when I signed it, and that as soon as the error was noticed, I tried to correct it. He let me know that it was a courtesy that they offered to let me make the change. I responded that it was not a courtesy or it would have been free and that this was a service that I paid for. - No comment by him.
He even reviewed the case and read where the guy told Chrissta that we could move the payment - but he still said it was late and there was nothing he could do and there was no-one else I could speak with.
After about 30 min of arguing with the brick wall I relented and made the payment. (Good thing for tax returns.) This is the best part - I hung up and Madison and Xander walk in with today's mail, I'll be damned if there was not letter from Capital One Auto Finance with the our next payment due date: March 17th 2009! signed by the Director of Customer Service, Michael Feeney. So I looked up the corporate office number found a company directory and called him. Unfortunately or fortunately he was not in, but I left him a voice mail. Not sure what good it will do but if you want the number I will give it to you.
Really this was not the guys fault - he was doing his job, but MAN follow the logic and help someone out. Sheesh. Oh and he did waive the $14.95 check by phone fee so there is one positive.