Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Best Age Ever?

Have you ever been sitting around chatting with the guys and or girls, or just pondering while driving or what ever, and thought to yourself 'self if I could be any age, I would be....'

If you have what is it? If not I think I have the answer. Its 4. That has to be the best age ever. Here are my reasons. Most of these come from observations of the resident 4yr old in the Hinze house, Xander.
  1. No school or work - you get to hang out in the morning and watch cartoons until your brain turns to mush and not have to be anywhere, and the days you do need to be somewhere its a treat.

  2. Sponge Bob is the center of universe - your whole day revolves around a yellow absorbent animated cartoon character whoe lives in a pineapple under the sea.
  3. Pants off = happiness - when Xander gets sad or tired, he takes his pants off and life is good and its OK. People come over and Xander is in his underwear nobody cares. infact there is something cute about a kid in Scooby Doo underpants. They come over and I am in my underwear and there is a problem. Nobody wants to see that. Can you imagine, your having a tough day at work and all you need to do to make you happy is to take off your pants? I think I am going to start.

  4. Cheetos and Sprite is an acceptable breakfast, lunch and or dinner. We all want to do it, but know better. And if we get caught we deny that we are eating chips and diet coke for a meal cause we 'know better'.

  5. Magic, Santa, The Easter Bunny, The Tooth Fairy all real. Need I say more?

Saturday, February 2, 2008

Oh, I don't know

I have been doing some thinking lately, I actually think a lot. But my brother - law and good friend Eric is sort of the inspiration for this post. They have been going through some struggles, as we all do, and his comments on how he is tired of always looking for the silver lining. I understand completely and may I add that when crap happens there is nothing worse than when someone says - "there must be something to learn" or "there are many things that could be worse" and my all time favorite is the one up-manship that tends to happen when we face these trials. When all you really need is someone to say - yeah that really sucks, lets go.... (insert activity here) Or just be a friend, share a beverage and listen.